Are you struggling to get orders from Fiverr?
Earthworks move freely. It is free, you have the freedom to choose your working hours and you can make unlimited money. Self-employment is everyone's dream. Who wouldn’t want to be his boss and work hard to create a secure job when he can’t be financially independent?
The popularity of social networking sites is increasing at an alarming rate. In an independent competition where all major sites develop a straightforward bidding model, Fiverr is a private marketplace focused on service marketing.
Buyers come to Fiverr, search for what they want, browse for different Gigs. If they like Gig which is a service that basically shows attractive images, full description, price, and timeline, they buy that Gig by placing an order. Independent purchased service delivers the order and is paid.
The difference between Fiverr and other private markets such as Upwork or Guru control. At these direct bidding sites, the client submits the project, the independent employee submits the bid, and if the client likes the proposal, they offer the project.
As an independent employee at Fiverr, you do not have much control over your Gigs. However, if you do certain things right, your Gig is encouraged and possibly affordable.
So the question for a million dollars is, what are the qualities that make a gig look promising, inspiring, and attracting orders?
Let's take a closer look at those key features of Gig highlighting and get orders.
1- Title & Tags:
Here's what you can do to get started.
1. First, select the keyword for the category you want to make for Gig.
2. Search on Fiverr and make sure the results are categorized as "Eligibility".
3. Unlock Top Gigs (choose at least five).
4. Write the title of all five Gigs in a booklet.
5. Write Tags by copying all the gigs in the booklet.
6. Note the common denominator in all of those Subheadings.
7. Repeat the 'Tags' process
(Shortlist of top five / most used/common tags and you will find a shortlist of Tags and a list of titles)
8. After the analysis, now carefully create your Article.
9. Choose your category, subsection.
10. Now comes the tags. Write the tags in the shortlist above. No need to change anything here, you can re-create the wheel. The idea is to choose the most effective Gigs steps and reproduce.
Click Save & Continue. You have completed the basic but most important phase.
2- Packages:
1. Also, search for your keyword in Fiverr.
2. In this case, make sure that the results are categorized as “Best Sell”.
3. Unlock 10 Gigs at random.
4. Read their packages carefully and carefully.
5. Analyze what is common in all of those packages.
6. Select those elements, reproduce them and reproduce the same "Extras".
7. In short, Create Packages by looking at those successful Gigs that are already doing well at Fiverr.
5- Promote your videos: